MILIMAT Collaborative Platform

This platform allows farmers, migrants and service providers to get in touch and to contribute to the creation of efficient multifunctional teams.

Register and actively support the socio-labour integration of migrants in the agricultural sector!

What can you find on
this platform?

A community of different actors working for multicultural team building in the farming sector.

Job vacancies, job candidates and offers of services to companies and individuals.

Training and other resources for a better socio-labour integration of migrants in agricultural teams.

Code of
Good Conduct

MILIMATโ€™s collaborative platform is based on a Code of Good Conduct that serves as a guideline for farmers, national workers, and migrant workers to ensure harmonious coexistence and efficient teamwork. By adhering to these principles, we can create a supportive and productive multicultural agricultural community.

Farmers: Value and respect the cultural diversity of workers. Encourage learning from the different cultures represented in the team.

National Workers: Show interest and curiosity about other cultures. Avoid discrimination and racism.

Migrant Workers: Respect the local culture and customs. Accept and respect cultural differences among colleagues.

Farmers: Ensure clear and concise communication. Use translation tools and encourage open dialogue to avoid misunderstandings.

National Workers: Offer help and support in communication to migrant colleagues. Be patient and understanding with language barriers.

Migrant Workers: Learn the local language to improve communication. Be proactive in seeking clarification and contributing to team discussions.

Farmers: Treat all workers equally and fairly, regardless of their cultural or ethnic background. Provide equal opportunities for training and development.

National Workers: Promote cooperation and inclusion, ensuring all workers feel valued and respected.

Migrant Workers: Participate actively in the team, respecting the principles of fairness and equality.

Farmers: Be able to identify and manage conflicts fairly and effectively. Promote a positive working environment that discourages discrimination and harassment.

National Workers: Address conflicts with understanding and a collaborative spirit.

Migrant Workers: Approach conflicts with an open mind and willingness to understand different perspectives.

Farmers: Encourage cooperation and knowledge sharing between workers from different cultures.

National Workers: Encourage collaboration and sharing of skills and knowledge with migrant colleagues.

Migrant Workers: Be proactive and collaborative, sharing your knowledge and skills with the team.

Farmers: Provide continuous training and education to improve skills and knowledge across the team.

National Workers: Engage in training opportunities that enhance understanding of cultural diversity and effective communication.

Migrant Workers: Take advantage of training programs to improve language skills, technical abilities, and understanding of local regulations.

Farmers: Show empathy towards workers from different cultures, understanding their perspectives and challenges.

National Workers: Be empathetic and supportive towards migrant workers, recognizing the challenges they face.

Migrant Workers: Understand and respect the perspectives of your colleagues, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.

Farmers: Implement tools such as real-time chat, shared calendars, and workforce management platforms to improve communication and organization.

National Workers and Migrant Workers: Utilize provided communication tools to stay informed and connected with the team.

Farmers: Be flexible in management approaches, adapting to the needs and preferences of a diverse workforce.

National Workers: Show flexibility in working with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds.

Migrant Workers: Adapt to changes in the work environment and be open to different working styles and practices.

Farmers: Facilitate social activities and cultural exchanges to promote integration.

National Workers: Engage in social activities and help migrant workers integrate into the local community.

Migrant Workers: Participate in social and cultural activities to build connections and integrate into the community.

The collaboration platform is a vital tool to ensure effective communication and networking between farmers, migrant workers and other stakeholders in multicultural agricultural teams. The platform is designed to support the integration and productivity of all team members by providing essential functionalities that enhance collaboration, with a particular focus on activating and facilitating job opportunities.

Farmers: Ensure the platform is used regularly to enhance communication, collaboration, and management of the multicultural team. Update information, schedules, and tasks on the platform frequently.

National Workers: Actively participate in discussions and utilize the platform to share knowledge and resources. Adhere to the guidelines and policies outlined on the platform.

Migrant Workers: Engage with the platform to stay informed about tasks, schedules, and team updates. Use the translation and communication tools to effectively interact with the team.

Be part of multicultural agricultural teams
Find new

Create your employee profile so that employers can contact you for their vacancies and so that you can apply for their job offers.

Hire skilled

As an agricultural employers you can post vacancies and search for candidates from a database of skilled migrant workers.


Whether you are a company, an association or an NGO, as a service provider you can offer your services to the MILIMAT agricultural community.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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